A person holding a smartphone about to control his/her living space

Smart Home Technology

Programmable Thermostats

You can easily save energy and money by resetting your thermostat before you go to bed or leave the house. Programmable thermostats let you schedule settings in advance, so you can wake up or arrive home to a comfortable environment. Most models can store and regulate multiple settings, adjusting temperatures according to your schedule. Weekend and vacation options are available too.

Smart Thermostats

These savvy devices take temperature control beyond manual programming. The Wi-Fi enabled thermostats use algorithms to learn and remember your preferred temperatures at different times of the day. They also track your energy usage in real time, providing information you can easily access through apps and websites.

You can alter settings remotely using your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Smart controls do much more than manage the temperature in your home. They provide you with a convenient way to optimize your home for energy efficiency.

User-Friendly Controls

Whether you prefer a thermostat you can program or one that detects your preferences automatically, an easy-to-use interface is critical. Many models today feature touchscreen displays with intuitive prompts and icons.

You can check the temperature at glance or change settings with the touch of a finger. Features like local weather forecasts are appealing extras. Some models even come with pop-up reminders that alert you when it is time to change the air filter or schedule HVAC maintenance.

Easy Installation

At Miracle, our collection of smart controls ensures you will find a model that suits your needs to perfection. As a Comfort Specialist, we can offer some of the best control systems available today. Our licensed, bonded and fully insured service specialists are trained to install every brand and model. We stock our fleet of trucks with all the tools and equipment it takes to get the job done.

We are readily available to provide a professional installation you can count on to save you time, energy, and money.

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Ronald Z

“We are very pleased as to how everything turned out. The technician was polite and the job done in a timely manner. Thank you for excellent service.”